Thursday, September 22, 2016

How to Google Forms

Sometimes you may end up in a situation where a survey needs to be created. The initial thought of creating a survey could potentially trigger emotions of distain or fear. Today I want to share a helpful way to create a survey with Google Forms. 

First, log into your Google account and go to

You will be greeted with a user friendly interface where you can easily change the text to say what you desire.

For example, I asked "What year are you?" The four options are: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior. Google allows you to add even more options if you would like!

If you would like to personalize it more, you can add a picture or video!

You precede to fill out the survey following the previous instructions with your questions. Once you click "send form," you will have the option to send the survey to several e-mails or get a link to share.

When people begin to respond, you will be able to see their results in a programmed pie graph. I find this helpful because I do not have to enter data; Google will take every question and individually calculate the data.

I hope Google Forms is as helpful for you as it has been for me!


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