Monday, October 24, 2016

How to Musicbed

If you're a filmmaker looking for good royalty-free music at an affordable price, you should check out the Musicbed. Many artists submit their work in hopes that other makers will use their songs to complete a video project. Musicbed defines the website as a full service licensing platform that provides a highly curated selection of songs to filmmakers for use in media projects. Musicbed makes quality music easily accessible, empowering creatives to tell better stories, and supporting musical artists.

You will be given the option to select music for a "commercial" or "non-commercial" project. You can even filter by the genre, mood and artist. If your project requires an instrumental only background song, you can even check the box for that too! The prices range from $49-$199+ depending on the size and audience of the project. Musicbed even lets you preview the entire song!

I have found Musicbed helpful in my projects and I hope you will too!


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Creative Spaces TV

Photo from @SaraDietschy on Instagram

If you do not know who Sara Dietschy is, you're going to be glad I told you about her. She is a Youtuber who creates content that is surpassing Youtube's video norm. With beautiful quality, she is sharing stories through her series Creative Spaces TV. Sara encourages the viewer to "get inspired by the creative spaces of artists, the tools they create with and their creative journey." Sara's ten minute or less videos highlight various artists in various fields like: audio engineering, filmmaking, music, fashion, jewelry making, illustrators, and many others.

This still is from "Jen Moulton - Designer & Maker of Jewelry, Pottery and Leather Goods | EP.7 Creative Spaces TV"
I do not remember what video led me to Sara, but I was intrigued by Creative Spaces TV. I think an artist's creative space tells a lot about the actual artist. It is here a person can get to know a bit of the mind behind the artist. The viewer is taken into the space where the creativity is able to be poured out and used. Every creative space looks different, yet every creative space holds a common thread: the artist feels freedom to make.

Sara does a really great job at capturing the story of how the artist began creating and what keeps the artist to continue creating. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series, hope to finish watching the videos soon and cannot wait for even more to be created.
